As a subcontractor, SPD Contracting, Inc. was awarded the opportunity to take part in the addition and renovation of Murch Elementary in Ward 3. Project scope involved restoration of the existing facade, as well as, state of the art upgrades to classrooms, multipurpose rooms, the media center, hallways, and administrative offices. The addition consisted of a glass storefront corridor connecting the new construction with the existing elementary school.

Due to the ongoing operation of the school, swing space consisting of modular trailers and wood landings was erected to facilitate the school’s continued operation. By enacting phasing planned during pre-construction, SPD was able to compartmentalize individual tasks and work in harmony with the school without affecting its day to day operation.

Through the combined efforts of DCPS, the pre-construction team, project management staff, trade specific supervisors, and SPD’s safety coordinator- who was constantly monitoring our work crews for heat exhaustion- this simultaneous, multiple phase project not only stayed on time, but was also delivered without incident.

Owner Reference

DCPS Monica Dodge Murch ES
4810 36th Street NW
Washington, DC 20008
(202) 407-2256

Contract Amount Performed by SPD/SPEEDY

Scope was performed for Chiaramonte Construction Company (Subcontractor).
General Contractor on this project was MCN Build, Co.

Delivery Method

Modernization & Swing space

Corresponding Dates

Pre-construction: June 2018
Mobilization: October 2018
Substantial Completion: July 2019
Actual Project Close-out: July 2019