SPD Contracting, Inc. was contracted to provide quality control, repair and completion of previously installed ceiling and wall assemblies that were left behind from previous subcontractors. Due to the hours of operations, all work was required to be conducted after hours.
All repairs occurred in finished spaces that required floor and ceiling protection installation of the existing to remain, removal of ETR protection, rough clean and final clean. These daily procedures were the key element that allowed the mall to carry on business as usual.
Because of the allowed work hours and lack of material storage space, precise material quantities needed to be procured, scheduled and staged. Reparations ranged from rough carpentry patching through matching, retrofitting and/or mending of finished materials by the ingenuity of skilled tradesman.
The following includes work done by SPD: disassemble suspended metal panel ceilings at all foyers throughout the mall, record and furnish field shop drawings for re-installation, stock, stage and inventory all components. Repair and modify metal ceiling panels and heavy gauge framing. The removal of acoustical ceiling tile damaged from flooding, clean and wash with mold remediation chemicals, and completion by replacing damaged tile that was removed. Retrofit installation of break metal at various storefront locations throughout the mall. Corridor reparations consisting of gypsum wallboard patching, prime and paint, and various repairs and replacements of tenant wallcoverings throughout. Miscellaneous door hardware repair and replacement was done to complete the project.